How birthday mode works
Hullaballoon includes a special birthday mode, which is a shorter and faster version of the normal game mode and includes a special customisable birthday greeting at the end. The birthday mode has also a festive visual theme and special music.
To launch birthday mode, players need to insert a 5-letter code to the system provided by the wall operator. Selecting the "Birthday Mode" button in the game menu on the touchscreen will open a window where the code can be inserted. After the player has provided a working code, the game visuals will change on both the touchscreen and on the wall, and the birthday mode is playable.
The wall operator can create birthday codes in the Valo Motion Cloud service. The code is specific to the name to be displayed on the wall with a birthday greeting at the end of the birthday mode.
Creating birthday codes
Birthday codes can be used to unlock the Birthday mode in the Hullaballoon game. You can add and remove birthday codes in the Cloud service.
Click the link “Edit birthday codes” to access the birthday code page.
In the birthday code page you can add, print and remove birthday codes. To add a code, simply enter the name of the birthday guest and press the “Add code” button. To print or remove codes, use the checkboxes to select a set of codes and then press the related button above.