In this article you will find explanations for all views and options in the ValoJump settings menu.
Logging in to the settings menu
To access the settings menu, click on the settings icon (bottom right corner) on the touch screen of your unit.
After clicking on the icon, the software requires you to input your admin password. If you do not know your admin password, please contact
System settings
After logging in succesfully, your directed to the "System settings" menu. In this menu, you can adjust the following settings:
- Master volume - This controls the output volume of the system.
- Video sending - Enabling this option gives the player the option to send a video of their gameplay to their email. To read more about video uploads, see this article.
- Run setup wizard - This runs the setup wizard, which calibrates the device. Use this option if you suspect the calibration is not correct. Issues of bad calibration can be gameplay not working properly, or videos looking strange. More information about the calibration wizard can be found in this article.
- Change password - Here you can change the admin password for logging in to the settings menu.
- Quick restart - This performs a software restart of the system. This can be used if the ValoJump is having issues with gameplay, or if support has instructed you to do this.
- Full restart - Full restart powers the whole ValoJump system off, and starts it up back again. If quick restart does not resolve an issue with the unit, try performing a full restart.
- Shutdown - This option shuts the unit down. Always use this option (or automatic schedules) to turn off the unit. Cutting power to the unit directly to turn it off can result in damage to components or software in the unit!
Playtime settings
In the playtime settings tab you can adjust the following settings:
- Select mode - The playtime mode governs if the playtime for each player is limited in some way
- Free play - With this setting, there are no restrictions to play time
- Rush hour - If Rush Hour is enabled in Free play mode, the player can only choose from ToyWatch Crazy mode or SkyTails Adventure mode. This minimizes the time needed for choosing game and level before starting the actual game.
- Game codes - If game codes are enabled, players need to have a code which the enter on the touch screen, before they are allowed to play. These codes can be printed from the Cloud service and sold/handed out to players. More information here (section: Time codes).
- External payment - If external payment is enabled, players need to pay with credits via a card system attached to the ValoJump (i.e. Embed or InterCard systems). Any reader that can signal a payment via a 12V pulse is supported. You will also need the optional 12V Pulse Adapter that interfaces between the ValoJump and your chosen card reader.
- Let users choose number of games - With this option enabled, the user gets to choose how many games they want to play when starting their session. This can be used as a queuing system to limit the number of games per person.
- Free play - With this setting, there are no restrictions to play time
Games settings
In this settings tab you can adjust the following settings:
- Skytails
- Game enabled - If this is selected, the game will be playable for users
- Levels enabled - You can select/unselect which levels you want to be playable
- Toywatch
- Game enabled - If this is selected, the game will be playable for users
- Levels enabled - You can select/unselect which levels you want to be playable
- Delay mirror
- Game enabled - If this is selected, the game will be playable for users
- Rec Studio
- Game enabled - If this is selected, the game will be playable for users
Run setup wizard (calibration)
Detailed instructions on how the setup wizard works, can be found here.