In this article you can find instructions and explanations for the different functions of the ValoClimb settings menu.
In case you are looking for instructions regarding the Cloud service, please check here.
Logging in to the settings menu
To log in to the settings menu, press on the "Settings" button in the top right corner off the ValoClimb touch screen.
Next, type in your admin password. In case you do know your admin password, read this article.
General settings
You can navigate the menu with the tabs in the top row. The first tab that opens when you log in, is the General settings menu.
Here you can adjust the following things:
Users - Enable/disable user profiles in the game. If this is enabled, the user types in their name when they start playing, and this name is used for highscores and created levels.
Enable video upload - This option defines if users are given the option to upload their gameplay recording to Valo Motions video service. If you want to enable this, we recommend that you first set up the video settings in the Cloud service. Read instructions here.
Enable ads between games - This defines if ads will be shown between games. This does not completely disable ads, they will still play when the unit is idle, if you have added ads to the unit on the Cloud service. More info about ads here.
Owner - This address defines who the unit is registered to. This email has been set up during first time installation. Owner email address is also the address you use to log in to the Cloud service to access the devices information. In case you want to change the owner, check here.
Idle seconds for screensaver - Defines how many seconds the unit needs to be idle (no use of touch screen or game), before it goes in to screensaver mode. During screensaver mode the unit will play random replay videos from games and ads (if you have added ads to the Cloud).
Screensaver seconds to switch app - This defines for how long the screensaver shows videos off one game, before switching to showing videos from another game.
Change admin password - From here you can change the admin password for logging in to the settings menu.
Video queue - Shows all videos that have not been uploaded to the video service yet. If there are several videos that have been in the queue for a long time, check you internet connection. Instructions here.
Logout - Always use this button to log out the admin user when you are done. If you only close the settings window, the admin user will stay logged in.
Reset to defaults - This will reset ALL settings in the admin menu, to the default values. Only use this function if you are sure you want to return everything back to default.
Restart game - This will restart the game software. Use this if the game is behaving unexpectedly.
Restart system - This will restart the whole system, including projector, touch screen and audio. This can be used if the unit is behaving unexpectedly.
Shut down - Use this to turn of the system, this is the correct way to turn off your system. Never turn off the system by cutting the electricity, this can damage components in you ValoClimb unit! You can also enable automatic schedules, which enable the unit to turn ON/OFF automatically. Information about automatic schedules can be found here.
Adjust holds
To learn more about the "Adjust holds" function, read this article.
To learn more about the "Calibration" function, read this article.
In the languages menu tab, you can set the default language of the unit (left column). Here you can also set what keyboard layout you are using. This defines what layout the on-screen keyboard uses when inputting player name or email address for video upload.
Filter inappropriate language - When this option is enabled, all user input is checked for inappropriate language. In high scores, any names with inappropriate language are automatically anonymized. When creating levels, an error message prevents users from giving inappropriate names to levels. When this option is on, any previously existing inappropriate text in the game is automatically anonymized or hidden.
Play time
In this menu you can set if the units play time is restricted in some way. The different options are described below.
Do not restrict play time - This is the default set up. With this setting anyone can play for as long as they want.
Require time code - Time codes are codes that have been generated and printed out from the Cloud service. These can be used when you want to sell or in some other way control who plays and for how long. More information and instructions regarding time codes can be found here.
Require external payment - If external payment is enabled, players need to pay with credits via a card system attached to the ValoJump (i.e. Embed or InterCard systems). Any reader that can signal a payment via a 12V pulse is supported. You will also need the optional 12V Pulse Adapter that interfaces between the ValoClimb and your chosen card reader.
Let users choose play time - This option lets the user choose how long he wants to play when starting.
In this menu you can set the volume levels for different audio features.
Speaker volume - This sets the output volume for all sounds coming from the ValoClimb unit. Note: Volume also needs to be on from the speaker! If you are having audio issues, check this article.
Shaker volume - If you unit has a wall shaker (optional extra), this slider adjusts how strong the signal sent to the shaker is.
Effects volume - Adjusts how loud the game effect sounds are.
Music volume - Adjusts how loud the game music is.
Volume in screensaver mode - Adjust how loud the volume is during screensaver mode (can be set to 0% if you want the unit to be silent when idle).
In this menu you can change settings for each game. You can also enable/disable games if you want the ValoClimb to only offer certain games.